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Our Vision

"To know God through Christ and to glorify Him in all that we do."

What is a “vision” statement?  In brief, it’s a statement that defines both who we are and what we want to become.  For the Body of Christ here at Covenant Reformed it defines who we are and what we want to become in relationship to God, one another, and to all those whom the LORD our God will call to himself from every sphere of life around us.

Relationships are key to this vision.  God made us to need relationships - with Him and with each other.  As a redeemed covenant community, we acknowledge and celebrate the fact that  “we are not our own, but belong to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ” (H.C. #1). Furthermore, we rejoice, that in Him, we have also been brought into a special relationship with one another, in His household, “the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.” (1 Tim 3.15)  


Knowing God through Christ, both personally and covenantally, our greatest desire then, is that we might glorify Him in all that we do: in our worship, in our teaching, in our families, in our vocations, in our recreations, etc. in all that we do. 


At the heart of our vision lies a deep longing to become, more and more, a church that strives to worship God more fully and teach about Him more faithfully, so that we might be better prepared to nurture and reach others more effectively with the grace and truth that comes with a knowledge of God through Jesus Christ in our local community of Watertown, the State of South Dakota, our nation, and around the world. 

Our Values

Being a “Reformed” church, we believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, inerrant and infallible in all that it teaches, and the sole authority for the regulation, foundation, and confirmation of our faith and our lives.


Our values are those core principles that God has shown us in His Word upon which He has given for the building up of His church; values which the Church throughout history has recognized as being either expressly taught in the Bible or that can be necessarily inferred from the Bible’s teaching. 


We believe these values are well summarized in both, the great creeds of the early church — The Apostle’s Creed, The Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, as well as the catechism and confessions of the Reformation churches, referred to as The Three Forms of Unity; comprising: The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession of Faith, and The Canons of Dort.

Our Vehicles

Our vehicles are the various venues in which we strive to faithfully live out our vision and values.



Lord’s Day Worship



Covenant Life Communities

Nursery Ministry

Covenant Reformed Youth Fellowship (C.R.Y.F)

Bi-weekly Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Youth Choir

All Church Choir


Lord’s Day Fellowship 

Monthly Fellowship Meal

Monthly Fellowship Night

Bi-weekly Men’s & Women’s Ministry

Bi-weekly C.R.Y.F. Meal & Fellowship 

Annual Heidelberg Youth Camp


Heidelberg Theological Seminary

Black Hill’s Pregnancy Center

Reformation & Christmas Celebrations

Annual Mission Fest


It’s Truly About Relationships - first with God and then with others.

In our fast-paced, busy, multiple-choice world, we are called to be a household of the living God where covenantal relationships, learning, and gospel ministry thrive. 


At Covenant Reformed we strive to be a household of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth, in our Lord’s Day worship, in fellowship, and in our Covenant Life Communities in everything we do. 


Our Wednesday night Bible studies, Men’s and Women’s Fellowship book studies, and C.R.Y.F. allow for the development of even greater closeness with God and with one another as we minister the gospel to one another through worship, teaching, nature, and reaching.


It's About Knowing God Through Christ And Glorifying Him In All that We Do

  • Worshiping Him

  • Growing a deeper relationship with Him and one another

  • Allowing others to disciple and nurture us

  • Nurturing and discipling others

  • Sharing in the ministry of His gospel



Michael Lassley



Rod DeJong



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Silas Henderson



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Nick Knock



Worship  10 a.m.
Covenant Life Groups  11:30 a.m.

15 12th Ave NE,

Watertown, SD  57201

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